Saturday, October 3, 2009


Starring: Jesse Eisenberg, Abigail Breslin, Emma Stone, and Woody Harrelson
Written by: Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese
Directed by: Rueben Fleischer

Zombieland. What a wonderful thing. I was recently able to view this wonderful film with the my good friend William Randolph Hurst. This film was amazing. The great story deals with a group of strangers living in a post zombie apocalyptic world. The characters are Columbus, a lovable nerd with reoccuring list of rules for surviving the zombie apocalypse, Tallahassee, a larger than life zombie hunter with a soft side for Twinkies and Bill Murray, and sisters Wichita and Little Rock, who trust no one but each other and do whatever they need to survive. The film follows them as they rob each other, kill zombies, break things, and eventually learn to trust each other.
The acting was brilliant. Woody Harrelson saying, "Nut up or shut up," about a hundred times is oscar worthy already. I mean for shit's sake if Tom Cruise can get a golden globe nomination for playing a fat ass baldy, then I think Woody ought to be a worthy candidate. Jesse Eisenberg is cementing himself fast as the new Michael Cera. Which is nice because I haven't yet reached the point where I want to cut my ears off with childproof scissors and gouge out my eyes with a rusty metal toothbrush every time I see him. Emma Stone is hot. The things I would do to her are not meant for Christian ears. So for all you heathen bastards, I would fuck the ever living shit out of her. I mean legit, I'd wreck that chick. Abigail Breslin was certainly funny, but completely overshadowed. The best actor in the entire film of course comes out of nowhere in probably the best cameo I've ever seen, from Bill Murray. In fact probably the best scene of the movie comes when Bill Murray and Woody Harrelson get baked and reenact Ghostbusters.
The writing was absolutely brilliant. The best part of the movie was that it didn't rely on the zombies for all it's jokes. It was actually a very clever and touching movie, that managed to blend in a sick sense of dark humor by using the zombies as a setting. There's also some great small quips that are very well done, such as Woody Harrelson and Abigail Breslin arguing over who's more famous, Miley Cyrus or Hannah Montana. The best part of the film is that it's just great fun. It never lets you take anything to seriously. Even the dramatically heavy moments are still peppered with little comedic moments, which makes it a wonderfully dark comedy that has a surprising heart. As an audience, it's far more relevant then we think, as it constantly reminds us that in a world gone to complete shit the only way to stay sane is to follow rule #37: Enjoy the little things.