Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Something, Something, Something, Dark Side

I don’t care who you are, Seth MacFarlane is funny. He’s hilarious. He’s abra-ka-fuckin awesome. Here’s what I say about this new Family Guy adaptation of The Empire Strikes Back: The empire struck back all right. In my pants. With the Force. Both sides of it. And it was awesome. From the letters floating through space (once again taking another Family Guy rip on the Fox Network), to the DonDon (a TaunTaun with Don Knotts’ head), and to Stewie’s Darth Farts, every bit of this parody is hysterical. I think my favorite part is Carl playing the part of Yoda. Look it up. It’s funny. I don’t wanna take the time to reproduce scenes for you. I’m lazy. So sue me.
The animators have, once again, done a wonderful job. Everything looked very realistic. And by realistic, I mean it was a good reproduction of the early 1980’s movie that did an OK job of looking realistic. It was good to hear Cleveland again (voiced by Mike Henry). I had missed him every since he went over to that soon to be cancelled piece of crap that they assumed would be successful.
On another note, does MacFarlane hate Mila Kunis? I mean, I know the family hates Meg (a well known fact. YouTube it.), but for the love of God, she only got one line in this movie, and that was one line more than she had in the first movie. I feel kinda bad…like she needs someone to console her…hold her hand…tell her everything is gonna be ok…
Is it odd that my Mila Kunis fantasy takes place in space?
Anywho, this shit is funny. If you don’t think so, I am ALWAYS available to discuss criticism and opinions. Feel free to email me at suckmydick@fuckoffasshole.com. Merry Christmas and Happy Almost 2012, fuckers.